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Worldwide Knit (or Crochet/Weave/Spin) in Public Day! And an HW contest!

Writer's picture: Marcia FarrellMarcia Farrell

In 2005, Danielle Landes started the first-ever Worldwide Knit in Public Day. She wanted to find a way to allow knitters to come together since knitting is often a solitary endeavor. She believed that people getting together and sharing ideas would foster creativity and allow people to meet other people who also knit.

That first year, there were 25 Knit in Public events. The following year,70. In 2007, there were nearly 200, and in 2008, 800 events. Since then, Worldwide Knit in Public day has gained in popularity, as by 2016, there were events in 57 different countries. And, while the event is still referred to as Worldwide Knit in Public, it has become significantly more inclusive, and all fiber lovers/crafts are welcome!

Then, the covid-19 pandemic hit in 2020, which has since significantly derailed group gatherings. If you want to host your own Knit in Public event, check out the official website here for details.

Many of us, though, are still leary of large gatherings, as we may have unvaccinated children or immuno-compromised people in our circles, so we have had to look for other ways to connect. And that search has led so many of us over the past year to connecting with people who may be far away from us geographically or whose schedules might have prevented them from gathering during the daytime. People who have become our "PEOPLE" when we may not have otherwise had the opportunity to have a conversation before. Through podcasts, Ravelry and Facebook groups, Instagram hashtags, and digital newsletters, the crafting world has been able to embrace the spirit of Landes' vision while expanding its digital footprint and creating a larger, more global community, where someone in Nova Scotia can share their projects and talk pattern ideas with someone in Oregon. Or, someone in Georgia is able to ask for yarn color advice from someone in Vermont. In many ways, 2020 and 2021 have seen the community grow and expand in ways we may not have ever imagined.

Which is what brings me to Habetrot's Wheel Worldwide Knit in Public Day's CONTEST!

Let’s celebrate Worldwide Knit in Public day virtually as we did last year and have a little fun in the process. Take a photo of yourself while working with your Habetrot’s Wheel your yarn or fiber on Saturday, June 12, 2021, post it on Instagram or Facebook, tag Habetrot’s Wheel, and use the hashtag #worldwideknitinpublicday2021 and you could win a $20 gift certificate to the shop! The winner will be chosen through a random drawing.


1. Your yarn or fiber must have been purchased at Habetrot’s Wheel

2. You must list the name of the yarn (i.e., Berroco Liana) and its colorway name or number

3. If you are working from a pattern, you must credit the name of the pattern and give attribution to the designer

4. Tag the shop in your Instagram or Facebook post, otherwise I won’t be able to see it

If you don't have social media, simply follow the above rules and post your photo/project description in the COMMENTS to this Blog post!

The shop is well stocked with yarn, fiber, notions, and kits. Make a plan to stop by during afternoon walk-in hours, schedule a morning private shopping appointment for yourself, or place a pickup or mail order today.

Let’s show the world how cool knitting, crochet, spinning, and weaving can be!

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